Want to go Green? Here are a few tips!

As more and more people start to go green, it’s hard not to start thinking [...]

Make your Kitchen Cosy this Winter!

The days are cold and the nights are even colder so there’s nothing better than [...]

Cottage Kitchen Makeover for 2016!

Whether you want simple and modern or traditional and rustic, there is something so cozy [...]

Tips for Keeping a Small Kitchen Clean and Organised!

Having a small kitchen can be a real challenge sometimes – especially when you’re wondering [...]

Safe Space Design for a Young Family!

If you’re a young family just moving into a house for the first time and [...]

Handy Tips towards an Innovative Kitchen!

If you’re a bit bored with how your kitchen is looking at the minute and [...]

Cookers: gas or electric?

Selecting the right appliances can be a tough decision – especially if you’re torn between [...]

Summer Surface Trends for 2016!

It’s very rare that we take notice to our surfaces after having them for a [...]

Why Convection Ovens are all the Rage!

Among the most popular kitchen appliances lies the convention oven. It is built with its [...]

Laser and Software Measuring by InnoDraw!

It’s no lie that 2016 is the year of innovative design and production, and this [...]

modern kitchen style

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Bring your kitchen to life in the comfort of your own home.

We would love to hear from you and to arrange to visit you for an informal chat about your dream kitchen. If you would like to arrange a free, no obligation in-home design visit, please either give us a call or fill out the form below. Our friendly team will be more than happy to help.

Tel: 0161 714 0417

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